SINIX team works with Web2 and Web3 technologies, as well as implement artificial intelligence in business processes. We help companies adapt to the rapidly changing digital landscape and reach new heights with cutting-edge technologies.
Web 2
Website and application development
Trading platforms and systems
Web design and UX/UI
Website optimisation and promotion
Integration with external services
Support and updating of websites
Web 3
Decentralised applications (DApps)
Smart contracts of any complexity
Blockchain consulting
Token and NFT creation
Interaction with DeFi platforms
Implementation of DAO solutions
AI algorithm development
Machine learning and data analysis
Chatbots and virtual assistants
Natural Language Processing (NLP)
Predictive analytics
Robotic Process Automation
Co-founder, Chief Business Development Officer

Co-founder, Chief Operations Ofiicer
Co-founder, Web3 developer, Analyst

Co-founder, Chief Technical Officer

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